Using Social Media Networking Effectively: Dos and Don’ts

Although we have outlined some of the basics of how to work with social media sites, each site has its own quirks and opportunities. What follows is an outline of tips to use on many of these platforms. We will discuss Facebook, Google+, Twitter, reedit, Interest, and a few others here briefly, but other aspects of leveraging these channels will be discussed
People share links on their timelines and on Facebook pages. Links shared by users who have marked their content as available for everyone ( are visible to search engines, as are Facebook Pages (pages for companies as opposed to people). These links are all no-followed, so they do not pass PageRank, but they can provide visibility for your content. Facebook likes are not at all visible to Google, as there is no place for it to crawl to see what content you have liked.
However, Bing receives like data via an API feed, so it has the potential to use that data, though indications are that it is not doing so as of September 2014. There are many reasons to use Facebook, but you should not expect it to directly impact your SEO ranking. However, a strong social presence can play a big role in your reputation and visibility online, and as a result can have a powerful indirect impact on your SEO.
Facebook can be used to build valuable relationships. In particular, Facebook has powerful advertising features that enable you to significantly increase your reach across the platform, and this can give you tremendous exposure.
Google+ was launched on June 28, 2011, and very quickly built a large user base. Like Facebook, Google+ also allows people to share links and generate comments and interactions on its posts. Shared content on Google+ can be evaluated based on the authority of the person sharing it, how many times it gets reshaped, and the number of comments it generates.
Users can also indicate that they found a page valuable by clicking on a +1 button on the page (if the page has one) or next to the search listing for that page. The +1 button functions in much the same way as Facebook’s like button, except that Google has direct access to the +1 data, as well as data about sharing on the platform. This plays a big role in personalized search on Google.
Twitter has established itself as the leading microblogging site. It allows its members to contribute microblog posts (a.k.a. “tweets”) that are limited to 140 characters. It has become an environment for real-time communication with a broader network of people. You can use Twitter as an effective platform for promoting your business, though links from Twitter are no followed, so no PageRank is passed. It is another valuable channel for communicating with your customers and market.
Social link aggregation and discussion site, grouped into topical communities (“subedits”) that are self-organized and independently moderated. There are millions of visitors each day, and reedit has hosted “ask me anything” interviews with many celebrities and a few politicians, including Barack Obama.
Last word
creditors are generally hostile toward self-promotion of any kind. If you try to guerrilla market by posting links to your site or Facebook page or anything that looks remotely promotional, radiators will slap you down very, very hard.